Jarno Eerola is a serial entrepreneur, hit-making DJ/music producer and creator of Aitokaiku. Jarno has toured clubs and festivals across Europe and Russia integrating Aitokaiku music into his live performances and his two solo albums. He has built sound installations with music from the aurora borealis, Finnish sauna, human DNA, and even data collected from the crowd at tech conferences.
Performing under the name Joe Le Bon, an accomplished house music producer based in Berlin, he used Aitokaiku to produce a #1 hit for DJ Hell before creating a company to further develop the technology. Jarno Eerola has 20 years of experience in mobile tech and music holding senior positions in mobile & telecom and leading two startups to exit. At the Sonophilia Spark in Frankfurt he will speak about how musical AI and brand experience can go hand in hand. DOWNLOAD AITOKAIKU SPECIAL APP for SONOPHILIA & FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR. [wolf_button text=”Register for Spark” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sonophilia-spark-the-frankfurt-book-fair-arts-festival-tickets-37061821907″ color=”accent-color” size=”medium” type=”round” icon=”fa-adjust” icon_position=”after”] Sonophilia: What was the initial idea to start Aitokaiku? Jarno Eerola: To make any person or entity to be able to create and share charming and valuable interactive art in many forms and in real time in any location without special skills or equipment needed. Sonophilia: How does Aitokaiku work? Jarno: It uses sensors and data inputs to create live content that users can play and share. It’s an automated user generated content streaming platform. Sonophilia: How might brands use Aitokaiku’s context awareness? Jarno: Brands can benefit from this by having context specific user targeting and build a trusted communication dialogue with customers. This can be done without interrupting the user journey. The brand is integrated in the story and message. Look how South Park TV series promote Amazon Alexa by dedicating a whole show to it. That’s what can be done in music or user driven content too and we automate this process to lower the costs to reach the audience and have them engage with brands. Sonophilia: How can the Sonophilians at the Frankfurter Buchmesse experience the book fair via your app? Jarno: There will be two services supporting the Frankfurter Buchmesse. One is streaming music channel that enables pre marketing and promote interest and engagement before the event. Spread the love. Second one enables visitors and festival team to instantly share professional and branded media content from the spot to their own social networks. Music videos from the Frankfurter Buchmesse are estimated to have over 40% engagement. Looking forward to trying out Aitokaiku! Thanks, Jarno! [wolf_button text=”Register for Spark” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sonophilia-spark-the-frankfurt-book-fair-arts-festival-tickets-37061821907″ color=”accent-color” size=”medium” type=”round” icon=”fa-adjust” icon_position=”after”] |