Michael Breidenbrücker is one of the leading personalities in the European tech scene. He is the founder of the famous LastFM which had an exit to the CBS for 280 million US dollars in 2007, and an angel investor and advisor of multiple companies between the Austrian alps and London. He is also Partner of the renowned Viennese venture capital firm Speedinvest.
At the Sonophilia Spark he will join the discussion about Audio AI and it’s impact on the future of computing.
Enjoy the reading!
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Sonophilia: With RJDJ you created an app that filters ambient noise and sounds for a better living experience. What was your motivation to do so?
Michael Breidenbrücker: After over 40 years I finally realised that I am not really into music, but rather into listening. Once this became clear to me, everything became music because you are always listening… to the better or worse. Listening to everything can be heaven or hell, depending on a lot of factors, including your mood, health, state of mind etc. I found a great way to designing and filter our listening space through technology. That was my motivation to work on RJDJ.
Sonophilia: do you think that human creativity will one day be obsolete because of machine creativity? Will we become a passive species?
Michael: No, not at all. I think creativity will be the leading principle in the future. We are rapidly moving into an age where everything becomes possible. We are seeing such crazy possibilities in biotech or AI. These developments will not just free up a lot of time for us, but at the same time make everything possible for us. Therefore the most relevant question is what we actually want… and in order to find out what we want, we need to explore our life, the universe and everything at a whole new level. This new level will be creativity, the arts, culture and humanities.
Sonophilia: In your opinion, will sound be the next paradigm of computing? Will we have computers that listen und understand the world through sound?
Michael: Just one word: yes!
Looking forward to our chat at the Sonophilia Spark in Frankfurt!
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